Sunday, October 28, 2012

DIY Floral Crown

I had a little bit of a panic attack when trying to find a halloween costume for myself and a few friends
 without having to spend much money. So I put on my best DIY attitude and decided to combine the
 bleach technique from the last DIY post and create some skull shirts. Then added some floral crowns
 for a full Sugar Skull look! I'm mostly just exited that in total this all cost $40 for 3 costumes, and I
 now have a floral crown that I will most likely be wearing at some point again, knowing myself. 

Down to the good stuff, I will be adding some stuff to an Etsy store soon enough, let me know
if there is anything you'd like to see.

DIY Floral Crown


1. A glue gun
2. About 4 long sticks of glue
3. Assortment of plastic flowers
I went to Michaels for all the needed items, they had everything for super cheap!
4. Scissors
5. Thread covered wire
Again found at Michaels, in the floral arrangements department.

Take three of the thread wrapped wires and form a circle for your headband, using two for the main 
part and one for the behind the head. on one end create a loop of the 2 wires, and use the glue gun and
 a bit of fabric to cover the wires. (I used one of the floral leaves hehe). Use the other side and make a
 hook shape, cutting off any excess wire. This little hook is made to make putting the crown on and off
 a bit easier.

Begin adding your flowers! You can wrap a few that have wire in the stems (like the tiny blue ones I
 am using on the left) or take the bulbs and hot glue them in place. This is the time to be as creative as
 you wish!

Let the crown cool and dry for a few minutes, about 15minutes is good. 
And thats it! Granted creating the headband and arranging the flowers
as you'd like it do take the most time, it's well worth it in the end.

happy halloween weekend!

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