Wednesday, March 13, 2013

DIY Wall Art

DIY Wall Art : Hanging Plants

TtiIg_ on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs

So I had a ton of extra eucalyptus from a past project for a friend and wanted to find a nice way to use it. Thus I came across this idea. I love my white walls but felt they looked a little too bare. This really was one of the easiest projects to do. Just turn on some jams and have fun with it!

What You Need:

1. String
2. Any plant you would like (or even flowers!)
3. Scissors
4. Push Pins (not pictured)


Take your plant and snip it into various lengths, I have high ceilings so I needed some pretty large pieces, but they looked nice mixed with some tiny ones. Do the same with your string. Some of my pieces were about a foot long, while others were about 6".


Take your string and knot it around the plants end, double knotted! 

And thats it! Once you have the appropriate length for your wall you can use a pin to hang it up and continue on the next one. Just continue these steps until you've got your whole wall covered! 
Ta-da! All it takes is patience and you're good.

Enjoy guys!

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